Before Christmas, I directed a school production of Macbeth. Not just any old school production of Macbeth. Macbeth The Musical, which both deliberately and inevitably became Macbeth The Pantomime. I enlisted the help of two young Performing Arts graduates and my actor/director/writer friend whose business is comedy. For many weeks Year 7 and 8 pupils and I met in various inhospitable classrooms to rehearse scenes in a language which was largely foreign to them with a level of commitment and focus which was very definitely foreign to them. We tackled singing, dancing, physical theatre, even acting. Several times I wanted to leave the country. But in the end, the children gave it their all and the show was a great success. We had come a very long way and what we achieved was remarkable.
Back at school in the torrential and rain and howling gales of January 2012, I am once more reduced to data inputting, photocopying and being discussed by my heads of department as though I am chattle. I've been directing children's shows for years. I have a degree in English and Drama, published works to my name and a literary agent. A school theatre trip to London is planned for next month, including a visit to The Globe, but I am not allowed to go. No one has fought my corner.
Stabbed in the back?
I think it is time to find another job.